Thursday, June 11, 2009

363----but waiting until Sunday to Post

I had a bad food day but a good workout day. I was only able to get some walking done not the full 3 miles I was hoping for but half. I did not want to push myself to much. I do love walking outside much more than inside. :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Rock N Roll Las Vegas- December 6th

I am going to start training for two marathons. The first will be on my birthday weekend in Las Vegas, a half marathon. 13.1 miles!!! And the second and the one Hector is helping me train for is a full marathon (26.2 miles) at Rock n Roll San Diego, which is a year from now. I have a 5k I am walking this coming weekend in Corona. It's for Sylvia's work and she is planning it. I convinced Yvonne and her family to join me. I am hoping to convince my hubby to trek it as well. I walked 3 miles tonight with Prissy and the baby. I want that to be my regular workout. A 5k at least every other day. Hector has me on a plan. Eventually moving up to 4+miles on some weekends. I really want to decrease my pace time. I'm at 18-20 minutes a mile. I need to get under 18 minutes a mile if I want to keep under the time limit for the 1/2 marathon. 

I also worked out at home. Made my self a little area in the living room. I have my yoga mat, step, and well as my own body. 

Ruby walk across America--- a must do

Los Angeles
Saturday, July 11
Oceanfront, adjacent to Santa Monica Pier
Santa Monica, CA 90401