Friday, July 31, 2009

1st weigh tomorrow since my first week back to WW

I had a really good work out at the gym today. I did an hour of aqua aerobics on top of an hour of swimming. It was very relaxing. i hit the jacuzzi and the sauna as well and loved every minute of it except for the smell of chlorine that lingered all morning, even after two showers. ugh. 

But than a double ugh or not resisting temptation and adding the small frosty to my light lunch. I could have had another subway 6 inch cold cut for 6 points, but no I had the 7 point frosty. tss tss. But I am over it and I stayed within my points. I can't weight for tomorrow. I had some questionable decisions through the week but overall I think I did pretty good. I really want to fight of the 360s this month and maybe even a little of the 350s. Even Ruby is out of the 350s. Need to really work the program and continue to move forward. :)

love you elvia susana

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Martinez/Taylor Weight Loss Challenge

Weigh-In tomorrow! We'll see how we did. I have been walking again with Sylvia. I need to keep it up. 

Friday, July 10, 2009

63 mins 2.60 miles trendmill at 24hr in corona <Elvia>

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Need another jump start

I have been out of it for the past couple of weeks. I should have kept up WW or Boot Camp. But money is tight..but that doesn't stop drive-thrus and daily iced coffees in the morning. So you can make sacrifices if you want too. I have not hit the gym in two weeks and I missed the last 5k I signed up for. I promised myself I would train for the RnR 1.2 marathon and I'm left with 150 or so days left to train. So I need to focus and go back to baby steps to adult steps. So snap out of it Elvia and get to it. 

p.s. I was weak and allowed Enrique to buy a chocolate cake and bring it home. ugh.