Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lost 7 pounds this week!

Woo Hoo! So happy when I weighed in at WW today. I've been working out and trying to keep track of what I eat. It's been hard at times especially when I stay up late.

My goal this week is to go to bed at a descent hour and hopefully with Enrique. I know he hates when I crawl in to bed really late. I have been walking around all day at UCI. I came down with him to see him battle at his LARP event. He really enjoys it and it makes me happy seeing him in his element. Until next time!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Back on the saddle again, again...and again!

So I only finished 6.5 miles of the 1/2 marathon in Las Vegas on 12/6/09. I was really bummed out. I can name you a bunch of really good excuses why I could not complete it but it just comes down to I was not prepared. I am determined to REALLY train for it and complete it this year.

I turned 33 a month ago and my biological and sanity clock is ticking very loadly now. I don't want to add age to another risk factor or cause for not being able to get pregnant. I need to just shut up and do it...but blog about it of course! :)

I walked .6 miles from bus stop to office. I'm taking metrolink now to get down to OC and it's a quick bus ride to my center, and a short walk from stop. So I'm going to use that as I add more fitness in to my days.